Whitby Men’s Slo-Pitch League
League Rules
Amended March 5, 2025
rules as laid down by the Executive Committee apply to all members with no
exceptions and will be enforced by the Executive Committee.
- NSA Canada rules will
apply unless superseded by the following rules.
NSA Rule Book: http://www.nsacanada.ca/rules/about.php
- A
roster of all team members must be submitted to the Executive Committee
before the first game of the playing season. The roster must
include the name, address, phone number and signature of each returning
player. Completed New Player Registration Forms must be submitted
for each for each new player. Games will
be defaulted by a team fielding any players with incomplete registrations
and/or unpaid fees.
- In order to avoid
forfeiture of a game, a team must start the game with no less than 9
players, of which 6 must be registered players from that team. A team with
6 to 9 players may pick up registered player(s) from any other team within the
current season to a maximum of 10 players. A
team with 9 players may pick up a registered player from any other team
within the current season or have the opposing team supply a catcher to a
maximum of 10 players. Only one player may be from the opposing team. One
player must play catcher and the other can play
any position other than pitcher. Both must bat at the bottom of the
batting order. The player from the opposing team must play catcher and
will not be included in the batting order or be considered an automatic
out when it would have been his turn at bat. If any registered team member
arrives before the completion of the game, he can be
added to the bottom of the batting order and will not replace any pickups
currently playing. Other Team must supply a catcher to make
ten (10).
If a catcher
is provided by the opposing team, that catcher will only return the ball
to the pitcher. The catcher will not participate in the play of the ball,
and one of the infielders will have to cover home
- After
team rosters have been established for the season any additional players required must be
obtained through the Draft List held by the Draft Committee.
- All
registered players present for a game must be entered in the line-up and
play both offensively and defensively. A team shall consist of a maximum
of ten players on defense at one time. While only ten (10) players
constitute a full defense, all players entered in the line-up must take a
regular turn at bat. In the
event a player is removed from the game due to injury or ejection and
there is a roster player available who has not previously been in the
game, the new player may replace that player and be added to the bottom of
the batting order. All players must
play at least two full innings defensively except for those players
replaced in the previous sentence; the penalty for violation of
this rule is forfeiture of the game. No
substitutions allowed.
- Players
who started the season on the team roster and paid full league fees are
eligible for the playoffs regardless of the number of games played.
Players who join a team in midseason must play at least 50% of the
remaining games for their team and no players can be added to rosters
after August 15th. The
Executive Committee may approve specific cases of absenteeism, which will
override the general requirement.
- The
winning team is responsible for posting the score on the website, who will keep this record
on hand for reference. In the event of a tie
game the home team shall report the score. Each team must have
a competent scorekeeper. The home team is responsible for keeping the
official score of the game.
- The
Statistics and Media Committee
shall be responsible for the rescheduling of rained out games and games
cancelled due to lighting failure. The home team shall advice
the Committee at which time a date will be selected. The Committee will be
responsible for advising the teams
of the rescheduled date.
- The
home team has the responsibility to set out the diamond including the
placement of mats and bases. The distance between bases is 65'.
- No
metal or plastic spikes are permitted during the game, either on offense
or defense. Non-metal soccer cleats are acceptable.
- No body contact is allowed. The
umpire will resolve any disputes, which arise
during a game. If the contact is
considered to be deliberate, the umpire shall eject the
player from the game. If any altercation arises during a game, the umpire
may, at his/her discretion, eject any or all participants in the
altercation. In any event, the umpire shall submit a written report on any
such incident to the League Executive. The report will be reviewed by the
Discipline Committee, which will decide what further action, if any, is
required. As part of their review, the Discipline Committee may require
representations to be made by the players involved before making a decision.
following guidelines will be used when issuing suspensions:
Verbal abuse of official, teammate, opposing player, or fan:
1st Offence -
minimum one game suspension + review of Discipline Committee
2nd Offence -
minimum three games suspension + review of Discipline Committee
3rd Offence -
minimum five games suspension + review of Discipline Committee
Physical abuse of official, teammate,
opposing player, or fan:
1st Offence -
minimum five games suspension + review of Discipline Committee
2nd Offence –
indefinite suspension pending review of Discipline Committee
for all ejections/suspensions will be retained by the League indefinitely and
referenced by the Discipline Committee for any future altercations of similar
nature or involving the same player(s). If 5+ years have passed between offenses by the
same player, the committee may, at their discretion, decide not to enforce the
automatic additional games suspension, considering the severity and time
elapsed between offences.
cannot play for any other team until their suspension(s) have
been served.
- For
each game, the home team will supply a new ball and 2 used balls. League approved 52 core (Hot Dot) balls will be
- Courtesy
runner, a team may use a maximum of five (5) courtesy runners per game.
The courtesy runner must be a roster player and cannot have previously
been used as a courtesy runner during this game. The courtesy runner must
be announced to the umpire at home plate before he takes his place on the
base. If the courtesy runner is due up to bat the
team may substitute with another courtesy runner. However, if this
cannot be implemented (e.g. all five courtesy
runners have been utilized) the courtesy runner due up is out but remains
on base and the next batter in the line-up is due up.
- Carded Slo-Pitch Ontario, Slo-Pitch National
or National
Slo-Pitch Athletics Enterprise umpires will officiate every
game for the League. For Playoffs – 2 umpires will be used in all
elimination games.
- Games will be 1
hour and 25 minutes. If the home
team has not completed their own at bats when curfew has been called, they
have the option of leaving the score as-is, or reverting back to the last complete
Games cannot exceed their scheduled end time regardless of how
many minutes have been played. Games scheduled to start at 5:00 p.m. must
end at 6:25 p.m.,
6:30 p.m. games
at 7:55 p.m.,
8:00 p.m. games
at 9:25 p.m. and
9:30 p.m. games at
10:55 p.m.
If the game has reached the time limit and there hasn’t been 5 innings of play (or 4
1/2 innings of play, if home team is ahead) completed, the game will be
considered a complete game. If there were delays encountered in the game
due to rain, lights, etc…
and there hasn’t been 5 innings of play (or 4 1/2
innings of play, if home team is ahead) completed then the game will be
If the game is reaching end
of scheduled time and the visiting team has taken the lead, they can inform the
umpire that they are declaring their remaining outs as automatic.
- If after fifteen (15) minutes
past the starting time, a legal team cannot be fielded; the game shall be
- In the event that you are aware you will
not be able to field a team, notify the
Executive Committee at least 24 hours prior to the game. The
Executive Committee will notify the opposing team representative after the 24 hour deadline has passed. This will be considered a
cancelled game, still a 7-0 loss, with no financial penalty to the team,
which cancels. If the subsequent game is rained out or cancelled for
any other reason the game will be rescheduled.
- Each team is
allowed a maximum of one default game (less than 24 hours notice) with no financial penalty.
Subsequent default games will cost the defaulting team $40 per default,
payable to the Whitby Men’s Slo-Pitch League. All owed
money must be paid prior to the playoffs; otherwise the team will not be permitted to play
in the playoff championship tournament.
Doubleheaders that are defaulted will be treated as 2 games. Team Reps will be emailed after each
default whether the defaulted game(s) were subject to penalty or enough
notice given. Details will be
provided when the penalty payment is due and payment method.
- Alcoholic
beverages will not be consumed before, during, or after any games on park
- Offensive
and defensive players will obey the following:
Commitment Line - A line in foul
territory drawn 21 feet from the back of home plate and perpendicular to the
third base line. When a runner crosses this line by touching the ground beyond
the line but does not reach home plate, he shall be called out when a defensive
player in contact with home plate legally holds the ball. Runners, who have not
crossed the line or who cross the line but must tag up on a caught fly ball,
may return to third base with liability to be put out.
Safe Line - A line drawn in foul
territory starting at the top left-hand corner of home plate perpendicular to
the third base line. A runner attempting to reach home must do so by touching
the ground in foul territory on or beyond the SAFE LINE. Sliding into home
plate is not allowed. The runner is out if he touches home
plate or the mat whether or not
a play is being made. A runner is not out if the plate is touched in an attempt to avoid a collision.
Tagging the runner between the
Commitment Line and the Safe Line is not allowed.
- Any jewelry is
- Home run rule: The
league has a 2-plus home run rule. This means once a team has hit 2 home runs they cannot hit another
until the opposing team hits one. If the opposing team has not hit
one and the team with the home runs hits a ball over the fence it will be
considered an out. All runners
will not advance.
Balls deflected over the fence by a fielder is considered a 4-base award and not a home run and
therefore would not count toward the home run total.
Inside-the-park home runs will not count toward
the home run total in the application of the 2-plus rule.
Inside-the-park home runs
do not count toward the individual player’s season home run total.
A ball hit over the fence as an out will not
count toward the individual player’s season home run total.
Homeruns Hit by Pick-up Players will not count
towards the individual's HR Totals, nor will they be applied to any team’s HR
The hitter of a legitimate home run will
immediately retrieve the ball without the need to touch any bases. Any
baserunners shall return to the dugout without the need to touch any bases.
- Team bats must comply to the USSSA (United States
Specialty Sports Association) & ASA (American Softball
Association) standards and must appear on the legal bat list as posted on their website the “Legal Bats” http://www.wmspl.com/Documents/Misc/WMSPL_ApprovedBats.pdf link on the
WMSPL website. Standard NSA rules apply to players using illegal
- A trapper can be worn by any
in-field player.
- Equipment: Minimum
uniform shall be similar coloured shirts.
Caps, if worn, may be worn however the player decides.
- Mercy Rule: Up by more
than 18 runs at the end of 2.5 or 3 innings.
team’s discretion to end game and score submitted as-is. The maximum number of runs
in each of the first four innings by each team shall be 6 runs. Thereafter
each inning is an open inning.
27. Strike Mat / Home
Plate: A 2 feet by 3 feet board.
A strike is a legally pitched ball that makes
contact with the board, any pitched ball swung at and missed by
the batter, or a batted ball that is ruled foul. A ball is a legally pitched
ball that lands outside the strike board and not
swung at by the batter or an illegally pitched ball that the batter does not
swing at. Home plate, covered by the board is considered a strike.
- The
arc of a legal pitch:
The ball must be delivered with an arc and reach a height between
six (6) and twelve (12) feet from the ground.
- Pitcher’s
Is defined as, a two (2) foot wide x fifteen (15) foot long area
including the pitcher’s plate that starts 50 feet from the back of home plate.